Charter Boat Katelyn

Building The Katelyn

The Katelyn is a 26 foot custom built Charter Boat. She was custom built by Capt. Bubba Thorsen and his son Richard Thorsen. They spent one year designing and 2 years building her. The Katelyn is Coast Guard Certified for 15 passengers to 100 miles offshore. We keep our trips down to the maximum of 10 passengers, 8 is a very comfortable trip. When a vessel is built to carry more than 6 passengers a lot goes into it. The plans are approved by the Coast Guard out of Washington D. C. The construction is monitor by the Coast Guard. Every year the vessel is inspected by the Coast Guard for safety, every 2 years her bottom is inspected.

Katelyn's Features

The Katelyn is a fiberglass vessel built with fire retarding resin, she had 10 layers of glass in her bottom and 5 layers in her sides. She is equipped with over $20,000.00 worth of electronics, a restroom and two bunks forward. She is strictly a fishing machine. Katelyn is powered by a Cummins 300 horsepower turbo diesel, after cooled, she cruises at 17 mph. She has 2 watertight bulkheads, emergency pumps, life rafts, and emergency position radio beacon.

This craft has been in service for over 8 years, and her Captain and his family knows every inch of her because they rolled and laid every inch of glass and built her for many years of service in the family.

Fishing & Diving

The most popular trips is our 6 hour and 8 hour fishing trips. We also do dive trips, sightseeing, and beach combing trips. The Katelyn is a great dive boat, we have a two tank dive and a three tank dive.

We are docked at beautiful Pensacola Beach, call for reservations.